Get an in depth understanding of your personality style.
Find out where you falls on 20 facets related to important aspects of personality including communication style, depth of relationships, focus of energy, decision making and much more.
Learn how your personality relates to communication style, managing conflict and managing stress.
Compare yourself to 5600 other executive leaders and senior managers on 18 areas including Self-Management, Organizational Capabilities, Teamwork and Team Building, Problem Solving and Vision.
Learn your strengths and areas that need further development.
Receive concrete and usable action tips to help you improve your leadership style.
Compare yourself to 5600 other executive leaders and senior managers on 26 scales, divided up into five major areas of life: Dealing with Others, Self-Management, Motivations and Thinking Style, Personal Characteristics and Work-Related Measures.
Find out which lifestyle you prefer: Implementer, a Supporter, a Visualizer, or an Innovator.
Find out if you are living up to your potential in life by looking at your level of satisfaction.
The Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation™ (FIRO®) instruments can help you understand your interpersonal needs and how those needs influence your communication style and behavior.
Learn to understand your behavior and the behavior of others in your organization with detailed descriptions related to sociability, depth of your relationships and how much influence and decision making you need.
Identify your style compared to others.
This detailed report also includes information on Career Development, Team Effectiveness and Leadership style.