Discover Your Personality

Strong Interest and MBTI Strong® and MBTI® Career Report Online


If you do not have a Myers Briggs Type take the 1st test package Myers-Briggs/Strong Career Package Click here to go the the test package.

Combine the power of the Myers-Briggs® Personality Test with the Strong Interest Inventory®

What could be better than taking your Strong Interest Inventory test results, then filtering them with your Myers-Briggs personality type? Here's a way for you to better understand yourself, your personality, and expand your career options. The Strong career test measures your interests, matching them with people who are satisfied in their jobs and do work typical of that career. The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® sorts people by how they like to make decisions, gather information and get energy. Taken together, you'll get a custom report that matches your career interests with your personality - a great combination. You need to know your Myers-Briggs personality type already to get this report because this page is for the Strong test only. If you don't know your personality type yet, take both career tests in the 1st test package. Read the sample Career report for a better idea of how it works, then take the test.

Find a career that matches both your interests and your personality

Great idea, but how do you do that? If you take several career tests, you get lots of results. How do they fit together? Well, this report does the work for you. By combining a career interest test with a personality test, you'll get a better picture of what fits you. It's much faster and easier than trying to figure it out by yourself.

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How does the combined career report work?

First, you need to know your four-letter Myers-Briggs personality type. You must send an e-mail to with your Myers-Briggs personality type to have your report prepared.

If you don't know your MBTI personality type yet, take the 1st test package and get both the Myers-Briggs Career report, the Profile, and the combined Strong/Myers-Briggs Career report at the same time. You will have to take two tests: the Strong Interest Inventory test and the MBTI career test. Click here to go the the test package.

If you know your MBTI personality type already, take the Strong Interest Inventory below. Your results from Strong are then combined with your Myers-Briggs personality type to create your personal report. It's designed to give you a closer focus - perfect for those who have too many options. Look at the sample report to see the differences.

Your report includes a feedback session

After you finish your test, you can schedule your mandatory feedback session to receive your report. You will receive an e-mail calendar to sign up for a group feedback session. Other people with the same report will be on the call. Please be sure to choose your correct time zone on the calendar.

If you prefer an individual feedback session, please e-mail:

In the session you receive an in-depth explanation of what the report shows and how it relates to you.

How to get your Strong and MBTI Career Report:

Order your access code below. You can take the test immediately online, or at a later date. You can start and finish whenever you like. You will receive an automatic e-mail with your access code, so you can take the test at any time. Use our secure server to pay with your credit card. After you finish your test, you can schedule your mandatory feedback session online. You can book a session for yourself or one for your entire group. You will receive your report by e-mail during your feedback session. In the session you receive an in-depth explanation of what the report shows and how it relates to you. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view your report (Download it for free at Remember to e-mail your four-letter Myers-Briggs type to so your combined report can be prepared.

Strong and MBTI Career Report $85 - View Sample

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Your career report starts with the 9-page Profile, followed by the 13-page Career report. The online career test has 291 questions and takes about 35-40 minutes to complete. It requires an 8th grade reading level and is suitable for those 14 yrs. old and above.


Myers-Briggs/Strong Combined Career Report

Discover Your Personality is a Myers-Briggs testing company. Our main offerings include: Myers-Brigs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs Step II, FIRO-B, 16PF, TKI, CPI 260, and Strong Interest Inventory.

Common Tags: Strong Interest Inventory Test, MBTI Career, Myers-Briggs, Personality, Inventory, Online, Testing, Assessment

Personality Tests Online

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