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About the Strong Interest Inventory®: A librarian? Me?

Some people question their Strong results, particularly when they see "librarian" on the list of matching occupations. Many Artistic people see this career on their reports. People sometimes tell me they never considered being a librarian.

What do librarians do? Lots of different jobs. For example, you could be doing story time for young children at the local branch. You might be an acquisitions specialist at a research library for a university. A law librarian at a law firm is different from a branch manager at a public library. A reference librarian's workday looks different from a college library director's. You might be working at a public school or for state government. Perhaps we could revise our internal picture of what a librarian looks like before we decide there's no way the job would fit.

Why are librarians considered Artistic? Well, the simple answer is the sample of librarians used to create the tables in the Strong replied "like" to more questions on the Artistic scale than any other. It might sound counterintuitive, but that's the answer. It's the same logic for lawyers and the Artistic scale. Remember, this is an interest inventory. Librarians and lawyers have more similar interests than librarians and bookkeepers.


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