Some things to watch for include being overly sensitive, becoming disorganized and unproductive, or focusing on minor logical inconsistencies to the point of excluding all else. Other INTPs can become caustic with their comments, with snide remarks or sarcasm. Some will display passive-aggressive behavior or have emotional outbursts. Finally, some INTPs will procrastinate, withdraw from others, and resent others who make demands upon them.
Stressors for INTPs include people they consider incompetent, particularly if they cause delays or trouble for the INTP. Other stress factors include irrational acts by others, or when people become emotional in response to an INTP's calm, rational evaluation of a situation or problem. If an INTP feels out of control in a situation, particularly when others are giving orders or instructions, and the INTP has little or no input into how the situation will be resolved, they can feel stress. Many INTPs feel time spent discussing personal issues or emotions is wasted time.
ESFJs react differently to stress. Some become rather unrealistic and unfocused, turning critical of themselves and others. They can start the "blame game," looking for people who are at fault for whatever problem is at hand. Other ESFJs lose their easy-going ways and become quite demanding. Others act the part of the martyr, complaining about all they have done to help and the lack of recognition for their efforts. Some ESFJs become extremely cautious, unwilling to take any risk. Still others tenaciously stay in situations that are comfortable to them, even if no longer appropriate.
What can cause this stress for ESFJs? One key stressor is seeing others get hurt or becoming emotional. Others feel stress when their well-meaning intentions to help others are misinterpreted or misjudged. If an ESFJ feels his or her loyalty is being taken advantage of, they can experience stress. When others challenge the ESFJ's beliefs, stress can result. ESFJs often dislike people who play the devil's advocate, or argue both sides of an issue to make sure all points are considered. Still other ESFJs dislike conflict so much they do as much as possible to end it, hoping to avoid unpleasantness, which might be impossible.
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