This time we'll consider ISFJs and ENTPs and examine where they might fit best and some of the possible weak spots for each.
There are many similarities between ISFJs and ISTJs. Both types tend to be responsible, conscientious, loyal, hard-working, and detail-oriented people. ISFJs are said to be sympathetic, considerate, and kind. Patience is a virtue many of them apply to the workplace. Practicality is another common tendency, as is a focus on the needs of people in the organization. ISFJs tend to work behind the scenes. They often like to be #2, instead of #1. They generally are supportive and enjoy well-structured tasks and workplaces. Their work tends to be thorough and they are often good at follow-through. ISFJs are usually private people who enjoy quiet and calm workplaces. They tend to have a service orientation towards their work.
Potential trouble spots can be a tendency to catastrophize, particularly in the face of rapid, radical change. ISFJs tend to be cautious types, so big change makes them uncomfortable. They can appear to others as being too soft, or not assertive enough, especially if they are presenting new ideas to the group. ISFJs rarely tout their own accomplishments, so can be undervalued, despite their considerable contributions to their organizations. They tend to trust experience above most other forms of knowledge, so they can struggle when a new situation arises that requires them to be flexible and adaptable.
ENTPs are more likely to look at problems as challenges to be overcome, rather than something that ruins a finely-tuned system. ENTPs are famous for changing things just for the sake of change, or to see what happens. One sentence that upsets them is, "But that's how we've always done it here." ENTPs tend to focus on the future and possibilities, and are often independent. They enjoy working on complex or complicated problems. They often avoid bureaucracy, and want to work with highly competent people. ENTPs usually enjoy work environments that reward risk-taking, freedom of action, and flexibility.
Some areas that can be difficult for ENTPs include focusing so much on models and theories that they forget the details and reality of the situation. They can underestimate the time and resources needed to make their plan real. ENTPs are often said to be highly competitive, so if their workplace doesn't reward or require that trait, there can be a mismatch. ENTPs can take on too many tasks and burn out from too many competing demands. They frequently resist standard operating procedures and rules. Sometimes they overlook the contribution of others towards the organization's goals.
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