Do you want to communicate better with people who have different personalities from yours? Take the official Myers-Briggs Type Indicator now. Every personality type has preferences that influence how we deal with others. It's often easy to speak to those who are like us, but you need practical tips on how to work with those who are different. This report will show you how. Click here to see the sample report.
As a leader, you will likely work with a wide variety of people in your job. They will have different styles and preferences for communication. For you to be your best, you will need to able to give each person the information he or she needs in a manner they prefer. This report will give you tools to accomplish that goal. You will also learn your style for giving and receiving feedback.
The Communication Style report gives you practical tips on how to deal with different people. For example, if you're an Extravert, what are some ways to communicate better with Introverts? You will receive concrete examples of how to communicate with people on each of the four scales, along with your own preferences.
The Communication Style report is an excellent tool to use for coaching, individual development plans, during 360-degree feedback, and for team building. You can order access codes for each team member below, then go over the results in individual sessions.
After you finish your test, you can schedule your mandatory feedback session to receive your report. You will receive an e-mail calendar to sign up for a group feedback session. Other people with the same report will be on the call. Please be sure to choose your correct time zone on the calendar.
If you prefer an individual feedback session, please e-mail:
In the session you receive an in-depth explanation of what the report shows and how it relates to you.
Use our secure server to pay with your credit card. You can either take the test immediately online, or at a later date. You will receive an e-mail with your access code, which you can use for yourself or for someone else. You can order as many access codes as you need. Your access codes do not expire - you can use them as needed. After you finish your test, you can schedule your mandatory feedback session online. You can book a session for yourself or one for your entire group. You will receive your report by e-mail during your feedback session. In the session you receive an in-depth explanation of what the report shows and how it relates to you. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view your report (Download it for free at
This 9-page report is designed for those who want practical ways to improve their communication skills. The test has 93 questions, takes 15-20 minutes, and is recommended for those 18 yrs. old and above.
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